5 workers drive CA SHPT: Who Counts in the 5 workers of the CA SHP (sexual harassment prevention) training requirement? Sexual harassment prevention training (SHPT) is mandatory for California employers with 5 or more workers. Who counts in those five workers?
5 workers drive CA SHPT
Five workers drive California SHP training
5 Workers for CA SHPT: Who Counts as Part of the Five Worker Threshold that Triggers California SB-1343 Mandatory Sexual Harassment Training?
California Senate Bill 1343 made providing sexual harassment training (SHP) mandatory for employers with five workers or more.
But who counts in the five workers that make California SHP training required?

Types of CA Workers Triggering the CA SHPT Requirement

The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH)’s regulations state that “employees” for the threshold determination purpose include:
- full-time employees
- part-time employees
- temporary and seasonal workers
- unpaid interns
- volunteers, and
- independent contractors (“1099” workers)
This explains why this article is entitled the “Five Worker Threshold” and not the “Five Employee Threshold”.
Because even non-employees (1099s) who do NOT have to be trained by the employer, count towards the threshold.
Other “Worker” Types That Might Be Included in the Five
In addition to the workers above, there’s some evidence that others might count as well. The DFEH may interpret these groups as being part of the count for the purposes of triggering the threshold:
employees currently on leave
owners of the business, and
family members active in the business, whether they are on payroll or not
We are seeing that the DFEH is using very liberal criteria in order to qualify as many businesses as possible being subject to the training requirement.
Who Must Train: NOT The Same as Threshold Worker Types
Strangely, while contractors, unpaid interns, volunteers, and employees outside of California count in the five workers, they do NOT need to be trained in sexual harassment prevention by California employers.
And the law explicitly recognizes that temps supplied by a temporary staffing firm should be trained by that firm.
Beyond the statutory requirements, however, lies common wisdom.
If any worker could harass or be harassed by California workers, providing training could give benefits far beyond the legal requirements.
Employers don’t need to train:
- independent contractors
- unpaid interns
- volunteers
- employees under different state training requirements, and
- temps from temp agencies.
If your business has five or more persons associated with making it run, you are probably required to provide CA SHPT to your employees. Buy compliant training online today from California Required Training Solutions.
Five workers drive CA SHPT (California sexual harassment prevention training)
The five workers that drive California SHPT: who triggers the threshold that makes sexual harassment prevention training (SHPT) mandatory in California.
Too Complicated?
Five workers drive California sexual harassment prevention training
CA SHPT driven by 5 workers
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