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Is SB-1343 training transferable between employers?

A new employee completed SB-1343 training with a prior employer. Or, a worker takes a new/second job, or moves between joint employers.  Is retraining required, or is SB-1343 training transferable between employers?

The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) recently clarified what should happen when an employee has received training in compliance with SB-1343 (also referred to as 12950.1) within the prior two years either from a current, a prior or alternate, or a joint employer.  As we expected, the goal is that employees should NOT have to repeat the training just because they moved employers.


This is good news for employers and employees alike.

The DFEH says that to remain compliant, employers should do the following:

  • Ensure that the new employee has fulfilled the training requirement, which may require verifying compliance from the prior, alternate, or joint employer.

  • Provide the new employee a copy of the employer’s anti-harassment policy, require the employee to read it, and require them to acknowledge receipt of it.

The timeframe for completing these steps is within six months of a supervisors’ assuming their supervisory position, or within six months of the creation of a new business or the expansion of a business that was previously not required to provide training.

The DFEH did not state a timeframe for verification and acknowledgement of non-supervisory employees, but completion within the same timeframe as training a new hire is recommended.

How does California Required Training Solutions support the transfer of SB-1343 training between employers?

California Required Training Solutions makes transfer verification easy by issuing each student completing our training with a logo certificate stating the student’s name, the title of the course indicating SB-1343 compliance, and the role trained, as well as the date the training was completed.  Certificates contain a unique issuance number.  Certificate number validation is supported by our certificate validator widget.

Students completing our training are urged to retain a copy of their certificate at home in case they should need it in future.

Students have the ability to log in to their student account and re-download or re-print copies of their certificates, so long as California Required Training Solutions retains their data (we are subject to some data privacy and data retention laws). 

California Required Training Solutions also posts detailed curricula online so that employers can see  the topics covered in our trainings.  We remain available for employers’ questions on or via telephone at (747) 284-2132.

Workers desiring to avoid retraining should feel free to print this page, and provide it to their new employer together with a copy of their certificate.

California Required Training Solutions

California Required Training Solutions offers a fast, simple online training solution to California’s sexual harassment prevention training mandate. features online courses that are self-paced, bookmarked, and timed.  Course students can stop/start as many times as necessary without restarting their timer or losing their place, and retest until they pass.  Upon finishing the course, students can immediately download and print/email a certificate of completion.

Employers find California Required Training Solutions’ online shopping cart system easy to use and course licensing easy to administer post-purchase.  Upon adding the desired number of supervisor and non-supervisory employee courses in English or Spanish to the cart, purchase is completed using a credit card.  Immediately the purchaser is emailed a dedicated set of unique links that can be copied and forwarded individually to each employee.   Thereafter, the purchaser can log in to the site’s dashboard to generate a real-time report showing which link has been used by which employee, whether or not the employee has begun or finished the training, and can download a copy of each completed student’s certificate.

At California Required Training Solutions, we know the importance of getting your folks compliant and back to work quickly.  We offer full purchaser and student customer support by telephone, email, and platform private messaging, with response times averaging less than six hours.  Choose California Required Training Solutions to get compliant with California’s sexual harassment prevention training requirements today. 

California Required Training Solutions ofrece una solución de capacitación en línea rápida y simple para el mandato de capacitación en prevención del acoso sexual de California. presenta cursos en línea a su propio ritmo, marcados y cronometrados. Los estudiantes del curso pueden parar y recomenzar tantas veces como sea necesario sin reiniciar su temporizador o perder su lugar, y volver a probar hasta que pasen. Al finalizar el curso, los estudiantes pueden descargar e imprimir o enviar por correo electrónico inmediatamente un certificado de finalización.

Los empleadores consideran que el sistema de carrito de compras en línea California Required Training Solutions es fácil de usar y las licencias de cursos son fáciles de administrar después de la compra. Al agregar el número deseado de cursos de supervisores y empleados no supervisores en inglés o español al carrito, la compra se completa con una tarjeta de crédito. Inmediatamente, el comprador recibe por correo electrónico un conjunto dedicado de enlaces únicos que pueden copiarse y enviarse individualmente a cada empleado. A partir de entonces, el comprador puede iniciar sesión en el tablero del sitio para generar un informe en tiempo real que muestre qué enlace ha sido utilizado por cada empleado, si el empleado ha comenzado o terminado la capacitación, y puede descargar una copia del certificado de cada estudiante completado .

En California Required Training Solutions, sabemos la importancia de hacer que su gente cumpla y vuelva a trabajar rápidamente. Ofrecemos un servicio completo de atención al cliente para estudiantes y compradores por teléfono, correo electrónico y mensajes privados de plataforma, con tiempos de respuesta promedio de menos de seis horas. Elija California Required Training Solutions para cumplir hoy con los requisitos de capacitación de prevención de acoso sexual de California.